Friday, August 12, 2011

On driving

I used to hate driving when I first got my license. The 89 Civic I had to drive was difficult at best to operate and a few too many stall outs at stoplights and the inability to turn the powerless steering caused me to hate driving with a passion.

I feel much more comfortable behind the wheel now, primarily because it's sort of a necessary evil - to get to where you want to go you have to have a method to get there. Driving is a relatively convienient way to travel and as such it is the method of choice to get myself from point A to point B.

Driving helps take me to the people I love, to the places I love to be at. But it also takes me away from them too, and that's why I still hate it. I hate how, right now, I seem to be spread over so many locations. No matter where I go, everyone I love is not there with me. When I go to be with one friend, I leave another behind. I suppose this is life, but it's not a very fun part. I guess I should cherish the moments I have with the people I care about when I can get them - at least then when I leave I can say that I made the most of what I had.

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