Friday, February 4, 2011

Creative block

What sucks more than everything is to have creative block. Here I am, inside on a Friday night, and I have absolutely no good ideas.

See, it has been a long standing tradition of mine that no work can be done on a Friday night. It's the night to de-stress, to relax after the work week. This can present a problem when, like tonight, there is nothing to do - no parties to attend, no movies to watch, no one to just chill with. Generally, on nights like tonight, I turn my attentions to my interests - I blog, I write, I mess around with image editing, I do something interesting and cool so that I'm not just sitting around doing nothing.

So it pains me that I'm having crazy creative block right now. Even this post doesn't seem to have the normal flow, the normal adjectives and adverbs heaped on top of each other. I open up Blogger and stare at the blank screen, unable to come up with anything remotely witty, even anything remotely interesting or emotional or that I would want to talk about. The creativity is not there, for whatever reason. I can't think of anything I want to do.

And it annoys me. It annoys me that I have this free time where I know I'm not going to do any "real" work, and I can't spend it doing anything I want to. Heck, I even tried Minecraft, but I had to shut it down because I just couldn't put my heart into it.

It's writer's block times a million, because it covers more than just writing, it covers everything. There's nothing I want to do right now.

I guess I'll just waste my time playing inane flash games. Maybe inspiration will strike soon.

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